When to Call an Air Conditioning Repair Service
Air conditioning systems can fail in a wide variety of ways. As a householder, you might not be sure whether a particular problem merits a call to an air conditioning repair service. Here are a few situations in which it is best to call in the experts. 1. When Your HVAC System Smells Like Burning Air conditioning systems should never produce a burning smell. If your system starts to smell this way, it could be a sign that the motor is about to fail. [Read More]
Factors to Consider When Choosing the Capacity of Your Home Air Conditioner
When purchasing an air conditioner, it can be tricky to work out what size to go with. You might have seen guides that marry a specific capacity to a particular room size. While these can be excellent indicators, you need to take other factors into account also. Ask your contractor for their advice, but to get started, consider the following determinants that can influence how much cooling power you'll require. [Read More]
Fantastic Reasons to Install a Reverse Cycle Air Conditioner in Your Home
Maintaining the desired room temperature is essential for maximising indoor comfort at home. If you live in an area that experiences both hot and cold spells during the year, you can benefit from the installation of a reverse cycle air conditioner. On sweltering hot days, this air conditioner blows cool air to keep you cool throughout the day. When chilly temperatures set in, it delivers warm air to make you cosy. [Read More]