Aircon System Options for Your Home

Posted on: 7 July 2021

Before you can schedule a new aircon installation, you must first determine what type will work best for your home. There are a few options available. 

Central Duct System

A central duct system depends primarily on an outdoor condenser unit and an indoor air handler. These are hooked up to ductwork, which is then vented into every room of your home. The result is a consistent temperature throughout the home. 

Central systems are mostly used on larger homes, as they are able to handle a higher cooling load. The even cooling reduces humidity and ensures stable environmental conditions. The main concern is that central systems may come with higher energy costs and they are best suited to homes that already have existing ductwork. 

Traditional Split System

Split systems can cool one or two rooms. There is an external condenser and an indoor blower that is mounted near the ceiling. A line is run through the ceiling to connect the two units. The simplest systems require one condenser and blower per room, but some systems can hook up two blowers to a single condenser so you can cool two adjacent rooms off the same system. 

The main benefit is efficiency. Split systems can save on energy costs quite effectively. They are also very quiet and can be installed in almost any room. Installation costs can be higher compared to other systems, but the energy savings help counteract this.

Floor Split System

A floor split system is basically a traditional split system. It has two components and requires one blower per room to be cooled. The main difference is that the blower is mounted to the floor rather than the ceiling or upper wall. This is useful if you need one in a building with an internal masonry or glass wall.

Much of the benefits and concerns are the same for floor systems and traditional split systems. One must be careful that drapes and furniture don't block air circulation, though. 

Hybrid System

Hybrid aircon systems can be one of the most energy-efficient. Most are routed through ductwork in the home. A hybrid system can act as a heat pump, pulling hot air from the home and expelling it outside during warm summers. During the winter, it instead pulls heat from outside and brings it in. Most hybrid systems are also designed to operate off different fuel sources.

The extreme efficiency makes a hybrid system cost-effective to run, although the initial investment can be higher than the other options. 

Contact an aircon system installation service if you are ready to improve your home's cooling. 
